The 5 hour trip on the TGV wasn't so much fun but we made it to Lille.. we quickly found our cool Ibis hotel and came back to the Gare to pick Antonio up.. when we were about to ask ourselves 'ok, now what?', Dani heard someone speak portuguese and we met some cool Brazilian girls who invited us for some drinks in a pub nearby! We talked a little and people soon found out about my amazing skills in salsa and so we went out dancing to the 'cubanito'..
The Domenican girls danced really well (so well that they had to dance with themselves cause nobody was good enough to dance with them). We ended our soirée around 3AM and made it home in a pleasent spring chill (9°C)
Nxt day we woke up around 11, had a coffee at Paul's and I took a train to Valenciennes to pick up the car with Lucas.. Was glad to see my brother was still alive. Antonio and Dani were xploring Lille but they weren't so sucessfull.. :P
Before ending this post on Lille, I have to say something about the weird oeuvres d'art that were spread in the city center.. The topic of the exposition was: 'Anges et Démons'.. apparently, the baby's body represent the angel and the deformations are the 'démon' within.. odd but cool, like most good things in life =)